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Cryotherapy, what is it really?

We sort out the concepts, origins, benefits and solutions.

Surely you have dived into the cold sea water before or felt the biting cold of the snow on your skin. Our first instinct is always to pull away. We are used to seeking shelter from the cold and to instead look for warmth, this is a natural human instinct. Surely you know the physiological benefits of heat, but have you ever wondered about the beneficial effects you can get through direct contact with cold?

Term “Cryotherapy”, which has an ancient origin, literally means “cure with a cold”. In recent years, it has been used more and more as a new method of treatment. But why has it become so popular?

'The Iceman' and cold therapy

Wim Hof, a.k.a. The Iceman, is known worldwide for its outstanding ability to endure extremely icy temperatures. His method is based on three milestones: breathing, exposure to cold & meditation. One of his most famous challenges includes a half-marathon barefoot on ice and snow. Through his experience, he has shown how controlled exposure too low temperatures can bring benefits to blood flow, heart rate and skin.

And science agrees: capillaries and blood vessels, stimulated by the vascular contraction generated by the cold and by the subsequent vasodilation, are trained and strengthened, just like the muscles of the body.

Wim Hof aka 'The Iceman'

Benefits of cryotherapy

The immediate and natural benefits with cold are innumerable. It is important to learn how to make the best of them to improve their well-being and health. Cold therapy reduces muscle pain and inflammation, strengthens the immune system and speeds up our metabolism. It also reduces oxidative stress, which is strictly linked to the aging process. It has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anti-edema effects, with an increased production of endorphins.

Even in the medical and sports field, cold has almost infinite functions. It is often used to ensure effective recovery after physical activity and to optimize the treatment of acute and subacute injuries.

Our solutions in cryotherapy

Powercab - electric cryocamera

Market's coldest, most effective and affordable Electric cryocambers (whole body cryotherapy) have now arrived in Scandinavia.

Powercab is a powerful and compactt electric cryo-chamber with several world-leading features such as: record low electricity consumption, individual-specific treatments, customizable intensity, Air-Curtain technology and so much more! Offer your customers a quick and effective treatment that requires neither shower nor change.

Explore PowerCab →

Zerobody Cryo - the world's only dry ice bath

Zerobody Cryo, designed by our supplier Starpool, marks a paradigm shift in the world of cryotherapy. Easy to use, safe and accessible to everyone, it has a patented membrane that allows dry liquefaction. The user is surrounded by water, without having to get wet, at a working temperature of 4-6°C.

This product has very low energy consumption, it allows you to stop the session at any time and significantly reduces the risks associated with direct contact with cold water. At the same time, the same benefits as cryotherapy and immersion in water are ensured.

Explore Zerobody Cryo →

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